I just finished your the long piece in Reason- a great read and timely reflection. Though I have been to Dyersville in the '90s on a road trip detour and grew up a Kevin Costner fan, the movie kind of fell flat after I read the book (which was so much better!). Here in KC, with a 3-9 record, the Royals and our political powers that be are giving the hard-sell on a new downtown ball park, that some say is a done-deal. Mind you we have a beautiful stadium easily accessed by fans in a multi state range by two interstates with a massive parking lot that makes tailgating a rite of passage for chiefs and royals fans. Traffic will be snarled in our downtown as folks from the suburbs DRIVE to get here and then can ride the *free* to ride 2 mile streetcar (not free to have built with hundreds of millions of tax dollars) to the stadium. Of course in the good old days we had a streetcar and downtown baseball which were all paved over for decades ago...............on an upbeat note, if you have never been to the Negro Leagues Museum- it is definitely worth a trip to Kansas City. I heard on a recent Fifth Column that Moynihan used to live here so maybe you could do a remote broadcast and he could visit some old stomping grounds. It's an amazing museum for baseball fans and historians (of course not accessible on our public streetcar but walking distance to the iconic Arthur Bryant's bar-b que).
Thanks so much, Elizabeth! I like Costner a lot; re-watched Bull Durham recently, and it's definitely holding up. Have actually never been to Kansas City, so hopefully will make a trip there (and to the museum!) this summer. Sorry to hear about the boondoggle....
I just finished your the long piece in Reason- a great read and timely reflection. Though I have been to Dyersville in the '90s on a road trip detour and grew up a Kevin Costner fan, the movie kind of fell flat after I read the book (which was so much better!). Here in KC, with a 3-9 record, the Royals and our political powers that be are giving the hard-sell on a new downtown ball park, that some say is a done-deal. Mind you we have a beautiful stadium easily accessed by fans in a multi state range by two interstates with a massive parking lot that makes tailgating a rite of passage for chiefs and royals fans. Traffic will be snarled in our downtown as folks from the suburbs DRIVE to get here and then can ride the *free* to ride 2 mile streetcar (not free to have built with hundreds of millions of tax dollars) to the stadium. Of course in the good old days we had a streetcar and downtown baseball which were all paved over for decades ago...............on an upbeat note, if you have never been to the Negro Leagues Museum- it is definitely worth a trip to Kansas City. I heard on a recent Fifth Column that Moynihan used to live here so maybe you could do a remote broadcast and he could visit some old stomping grounds. It's an amazing museum for baseball fans and historians (of course not accessible on our public streetcar but walking distance to the iconic Arthur Bryant's bar-b que).
Thanks so much, Elizabeth! I like Costner a lot; re-watched Bull Durham recently, and it's definitely holding up. Have actually never been to Kansas City, so hopefully will make a trip there (and to the museum!) this summer. Sorry to hear about the boondoggle....